Our Projects

Our Projects

Current projects

Health Records Management system (dexmedic.org)

Our cloud-based health records management system (accessible at dexmedic.org) is designed to revolutionize non-profit healthcare facilities and clinics that still rely on physical records and Excel sheets. This project aims to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of healthcare services by transitioning these facilities to a modern, digital system.

  • Issues Faced by Health Facilities Relying on Physical Record Keeping

    1. Inefficiency and Time-Consuming Processes
    • Manual Entry: Recording patient data manually is labor-intensive and time-consuming, diverting valuable time from patient care.
    • Data Retrieval: Searching for and retrieving physical records is cumbersome and slow, leading to delays in patient treatment.
    2. Risk of Data Loss and Damage
    • Physical Vulnerability: Paper records are susceptible to damage from fire, water, pests, and general wear and tear.
    • Misplacement: Records can be easily misplaced or lost, causing significant issues in maintaining patient histories and continuity of care.
    3. Limited Accessibility
    • Single Access Point: Physical records are often stored in one location, making it difficult for multiple healthcare providers to access them simultaneously.
    • Geographical Constraints: Transferring records between facilities is slow and unreliable, hindering patient referrals and continuity of care.
    4. Data Inaccuracy and Errors
    • Human Error: Manual data entry increases the likelihood of errors such as illegible handwriting, incomplete information, and data duplication.
    • Inconsistent Updates: Updating records manually can lead to inconsistencies and outdated information, affecting the quality of patient care.
    5. Storage and Space Issues
    • Space Requirements: Storing physical records requires substantial physical space, which can be a constraint for many facilities.
    • Organizational Challenges: Keeping records organized and easily retrievable becomes increasingly difficult as the volume of records grows.

    How the Cloud-Based Hospital Management System Helps

    1. Enhanced Efficiency and Time Savings
    • Automated Data Entry: Electronic Health Records (EHR) streamline data entry, reducing the time healthcare providers spend on paperwork.
    • Quick Data Retrieval: Digital records can be accessed instantly with a few clicks, significantly speeding up the retrieval process.
    2. Secure and Reliable Data Storage
    • Data Backup: Digital records are regularly backed up, minimizing the risk of data loss due to physical damage.
    • Secure Access: Cloud storage provides secure access to patient records, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
    3. Improved Accessibility and Collaboration
    • Remote Access: Authorized healthcare providers can access patient records from any location, facilitating better collaboration and continuity of care.
    • Multi-User Access: Multiple healthcare providers can view and update records simultaneously, improving team coordination and patient outcomes.
    4. Increased Accuracy and Reduced Errors
    • Standardized Data Entry: Digital forms and automated checks reduce the likelihood of errors and ensure consistency in patient records.
    • Real-Time Updates: Records are updated in real-time, ensuring that healthcare providers always have access to the most current information.
    5. Space and Cost Savings
    • Reduced Physical Storage: Transitioning to digital records eliminates the need for extensive physical storage space.
    • Cost Efficiency: Savings on paper, printing, and storage costs can be redirected towards improving patient care and facility operations.

Digital Skills Bootcamp

Our free 3-month recurring digital skills bootcamp is designed to empower youth who have dropped out of school due to financial constraints and are struggling to find employment. This intensive program teaches essential digital skills such as programming, graphic design, and digital marketing, equipping participants with the tools they need to succeed in the digital economy.

Why the program prioritises school drop outs

1. Limited Employment Opportunities
  • Skill Gaps: Without completing their education, many youth lack the necessary skills and qualifications required for most jobs.
  • Low-Paying Jobs: Those who do find work are often relegated to low-paying, unstable jobs with little to no prospects for advancement.
2. Social and Economic Marginalization
  • Exclusion: Dropping out of school can lead to social exclusion and a sense of isolation from peers who continue their education.
  • Economic Hardship: Without access to stable and well-paying jobs, these individuals often struggle with financial insecurity and poverty.
3. Lack of Access to Further Education
  • Barriers to Entry: High costs and the need to work to support themselves or their families prevent many from pursuing further education or vocational training.
  • Limited Resources: Many lack access to resources such as textbooks, internet, and learning materials that could help them continue their education independently.
4. Mental Health Challenges
  • Stress and Anxiety: Financial instability and lack of future prospects can lead to high levels of stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
  • Low Self-Esteem: The stigma associated with dropping out of school can negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence.
5. Risk of Exploitation and Crime
  • Vulnerability: With limited options, some youth may become vulnerable to exploitation or turn to illegal activities as a means of survival.

How the Digital Skills Bootcamp Helps

1. Providing Marketable Skills
  • Comprehensive Training: The bootcamp offers training in high-demand digital skills such as programming, graphic design, and digital marketing.
  • Real-World Projects: Participants gain practical experience through project-based learning, making them job-ready.
2. Enhancing Employment Opportunities
  • Job Placement Assistance: The program includes support for job placement, connecting participants with companies seeking these skills.
  • Portfolio Development: Participants build a portfolio of their work, which can be showcased to potential employers.
3. Fostering Economic Independence
  • Higher Earning Potential: Equipped with digital skills, participants can access higher-paying jobs and freelance opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurship: The skills learned can also empower participants to start their own businesses or freelance careers, fostering economic independence.
4. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Achievement: Completing the bootcamp and acquiring new skills boosts participants' confidence and self-esteem.
  • Supportive Environment: The program provides a supportive community and mentorship, helping participants overcome challenges and stay motivated.
5. Providing Access to Resources
  • Digital Tools: Participants gain access to computers, internet, and software necessary for learning and working in the digital space.
  • Learning Materials: Comprehensive educational materials and resources are provided, ensuring participants have everything they need to succeed.
6. Promoting Social Inclusion
  • Community Engagement: The bootcamp fosters a sense of community among participants, reducing feelings of isolation and exclusion.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants can network with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, expanding their support network.

Additional Benefits

  • Ongoing Support: The program offers continued support and resources even after participants complete the bootcamp, ensuring long-term success.
  • Flexibility: The bootcamp’s recurring nature allows participants to join at different times, accommodating those who may have other commitments.

By addressing these challenges, our digital skills bootcamp aims to transform the lives of youth who have dropped out of school, providing them with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to build a brighter future.


Laptop Donation program

Our laptop donation project collects new and used laptops from generous donors and redistributes them to organizations and individuals who crucially need them. This project aims to enhance digital access and inclusion by providing essential tech equipment to those who cannot afford it.

Key Features:

  • Collection and Refurbishment: Collecting both new and used laptops, refurbishing them to ensure they are in good working condition.
  • Distribution: Redistributing laptops to non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and talented individuals, including participants of our digital skills bootcamp.


  • Enhanced Digital Access: Providing essential tech equipment to those in need, enabling them to participate in the digital world.
  • Support for Education and Employment: Empowering students, educators, and job seekers with the tools they need to learn, teach, and work effectively.
  • Community Empowerment: Strengthening communities by improving access to technology and digital resources.

Get Involved:

  • Donate: Contribute new or used laptops to help us bridge the digital divide.
  • Volunteer: Join our team to help refurbish and distribute laptops.
  • Partner: Collaborate with us to expand the reach and impact of this project.

The State of Tech Access in East Africa

Despite significant progress in recent years, tech access in East Africa remains limited, particularly in low-income and rural areas. Here are some key statistics highlighting the current situation:

  • Internet Penetration: As of 2023, internet penetration in East Africa is approximately 30%, compared to the global average of 63%.
  • Mobile Phone Usage: While mobile phone ownership is relatively high at around 70%, smartphone usage is much lower, with only about 40% of the population owning a smartphone.
  • Digital Literacy: Less than 50% of the population in East Africa is digitally literate, meaning they lack basic computer skills and the ability to navigate the internet.
  • Electricity Access: About 40% of the region’s population does not have reliable access to electricity, which significantly hampers the ability to use digital devices.